Skin Injuries in older people

31 January 2023 in Residential Aged Care

Our 'let's talk about' series sees MYVISTA staff share their expertise in aged care

Preventing Skin Injuries in Older People by Rebecca Glass RN

Elderly people have an increased risk of skin damage and injuries due to the changes that occur in their skin as they age. These changes affect the skin’s integrity, making it more vulnerable to damage and injuries.

Skin injuries in elderly people can take a long time to heal and have a high risk of becoming infected. These injuries can cause pain and discomfort for the person and can restrict their ability to enjoy life and be involved in daily activities and social events.

These skin changes also affect the skin tissue surrounding the injury site, often resulting in significant bruising being very visible.

As skin ages it:

It’s important to be aware of avoiding skin injuries in older people in your care, particularly when you take a loved one out of residential aged care to attend events, appointments and social gatherings.

To help avoid pressure injuries:

To help avoid skin tears and bruising:

It’s vital to report skin injuries to care staff

Finally, if a skin injury, whether it is bruising, a skin tear or pressure sore, occurs while an aged care resident is in your care, please let a Registered Nurse at their aged care facility know immediately. MYVISTA will then be able to manage the injury. MYVISTA will also record this as incident for the person’s health records.

About the author
Bec Glass is a registered nurse and the Clinical Nurse Lead at MYVISTA Mirrabooka Residential Aged Care. With over 10 years of experience of caring for the elderly in clinical settings she is passionate about providing high standards of physical and emotional care to individuals in residential aged care.

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