MYVISTA Extends a Warm Welcome to all Visitors

MYVISTA is the home of your family member or friend. It is also the workplace for our staff, volunteers, contractors, and associates/health professionals without whom we could not provide high-quality care. We have a moral and legal responsibility to provide an pleasant and professional workplace and home environment. An environment that is free from harassment and antisocial behaviour. Where cultural diversity, age, disability, sexual and gender diversity, spirituality, health and wellbeing and socio-economic status is respected. We must uphold the rights to privacy, dignity and confidentiality.


To protect the wellbeing, dignity, and rights of all who live and work at MYVISTA, visitors have the following responsibilities.

  • To comply with visitor sign-in and screening protocols in an honest manner
  • To adhere to infection control precautions and processes as required including hand washing/santising and use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • To use respectful, appropriate language and behaviour (this includes not using suggestive or explicit words, phrases, gestures or actions) as this will not be tolerated
  • Do not use physical or verbal threats and/or assault as this will not be tolerated
  • Refrain from smoking/vaping on MYVISTA property/premises
  • Refrain from visiting if you are under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol or are feeling unwell (fever, sore throat, nausea, gastro, etc.)
  • To keep noise to a minimum and show respect for the dignity, property, and privacy of others

We encourage all visitors to help us keep MYVISTA as a positive, caring and effective environment for everyone. If you observe, witness, or suspect unacceptable behaviours, attitudes or language, please inform reception staff, Manager or Nurse as soon as possible.

This Visitor Code of Conduct has been endorsed by MYVISTA's Customer Advisory Committee and approved by the MYVISTA Board.

You can read, download or print the full version of the Visitor Code of Conduct here.

Contact Us

Whether you want to speak to someone on the phone or prefer to send an email, we’re here to help guide you through any enquiries or questions you may have about MYVISTA residential aged care, retirement communities or our home care services.